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According to the mythology of Nigeria, the Olokun, the deity of the sea, is the creator of mankind. After making mankind, he began to populate the world with people, beginning with his daughters; Olokun is thus the ancestor of the Yoruba people. The Mboko people of Benin worship him as the god of fecundity. Some Yorubas worship him as an old man and carry him about the villages on the back of a sacred cow; he is generally venerated at a carving of a cow’s head.

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Is auto apply a character stronger than class-based polymorphism?

I understand both methods of having your object be both a Car and a Truck. Polymorphism would be to have a CatCarCar and a MoDogDogDog, and implement the methods in those classes. Alternatively, you could apply the Car and Truck behavior (lets call it ‘auto-apply’) on a CatTruckCat object, which would throw some of the polymorphism methods away, and then they would be overridden with Cat behavior.
If I was going to implement this on a project, I would likely choose the second option as it would give me a lot more flexibility. However, I have been wondering if it would be a bad idea to have all the polymorphic methods (like onCreate(), onStart(), etc) be completely implemented in the parent CatTruckCat class, and then the auto-apply would just be an inherited method, like ‘onCreate()’ or ‘onStart()’.
I wanted to know if there was a reason to choose one over the other, and if I am just downplaying the usefulness of each of them.


As others have said, the primary difference between auto-apply and full polymorphism is in the implementation. When the base class has no


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