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AutoCAD Crack (April-2022) 📁







AutoCAD 21.0 Crack Keygen

As of the release of AutoCAD 2012, there are over 20 versions of AutoCAD available. This page lists the latest version of AutoCAD.

Version History

AutoCAD 2015 supports a 64-bit operating system and the AutoCAD Internal Graphics Architecture (AIGA). This allows users to make use of multiple monitors in addition to the display on their computer. AutoCAD 2016 added direct support for HLP (High Performance Line Drawing) rendering as well as the ability to use complex vector text tools for the first time. AutoCAD 2017 supports several of the newest software improvements in Autodesk Design Cloud.

AutoCAD 2020

Introduced in 2020, AutoCAD 2020 is based on the new AutoCAD Internal Graphics Architecture (AIGA) architecture and is the first CAD application to integrate the new software rendering system into the CAD application. This marks the beginning of the end for legacy GPU support. AutoCAD 2020 will be the last major release of AutoCAD to support GPU-accelerated rendering, as the 2019.2 update will be the last major release that supports GPU-accelerated rendering. In addition, the latest GPU render engine, HDR10+ is the default lighting method for all AutoCAD 2019.2 rendering.


AutoCAD has a very rich feature set that includes tools for the design and fabrication of architectural and mechanical systems, as well as 2D drawing, drafting and layout. Since the advent of AutoCAD, the number of features and capabilities has grown continuously and features are added yearly. To list all features of AutoCAD would require a book that would exceed the size of this page. Instead, we provide a list of the most notable features.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The key features of AutoCAD are easy to find and access. Selecting specific tools from the toolbar will allow you to open a panel or menu with shortcuts to common tasks. After a few practice sessions, you will be able to quickly open tools without having to click on them.

Toolbar: This toolbar is visible by default on the left side of the screen.

Layers panel: Located at the bottom of the screen, you can add, move, and delete layers from the interface. You can open the layers panel by double-clicking on the top of the screen or by selecting the Layers panel from the main menu, or on the Layer panel drop-down

AutoCAD 21.0

Introducing DWG XDATA, a new XDATA (Extensible Data) format for object exchanges.


Collections are CAD structures that contain one or more objects. Collections are designed for tasks such as viewing, editing, and saving many similar objects. Some collections have an inverse link to one or more objects and in some cases, allow the manipulation of a collection’s objects.

Collections can be found in several places in AutoCAD:

The Layer panel
The Add Layer dialog box
The Layers window
The Layer Properties dialog box
The Layer/Map Options dialog box
The Layer Style dialog box
The Layer/Map Filter dialog box
The Layers palette
The ARX dock
The ARX Inspector palette
The List tool palette
The tooltips
The properties inspector
A shape’s properties
Some groups

User Interface

AutoCAD’s user interface can be subdivided into the following seven groups:

Common user interface
Basic user interface
Advanced user interface
Command bar
Customization and customization tools
The ribbon

The ribbon provides a standard set of tools and controls for most of the most common tasks performed in AutoCAD. When not in use, the ribbon is hidden, which is indicated by the absence of its characteristic six lines in the top-right area of the interface. The ribbon consists of a single row of buttons, one on each side of the screen.

However, the ribbon does not provide all the functionality of the more advanced user interface components. The DesignCenter is a subset of the ribbon, which allows most of the toolbars and controls available in the advanced user interface to be accessed without the need for the ribbon.

AutoCAD 2009 introduced the new property sheet user interface. The property sheet is AutoCAD’s replacement for the ribbon in much the same way that the ribbon replaced the command bar in AutoCAD LT. When not in use, the property sheet is hidden, which is indicated by the absence of its characteristic grid in the top-right area of the interface.

The property sheet displays an option area at the top of the screen, containing command buttons for some of the most commonly used options in AutoCAD.


A window is a place in which information is presented to the user. Each window can have multiple panes. Panes are the main display area for information and user interface controls. This is the same as in other CAD software.

AutoCAD 21.0 Full Version (Latest)

Make sure that the correct version of the keygen is used for your Autocad.

You can either start your Autocad by double clicking on its icon in the Start Menu, or you can type AutoCAD in the search field.

You can start the Autocad from the Autocad icon in the Start Menu (if you have it there), or you can type Autocad in the search field.
Type in your Autocad username and password.

Click on the Open button and the main menu will open.

Select the User Preferences from the list on the left hand side of the menu.

Click on the User Preferences button.

Now select the Open from disk button and enter the full path to the keygen file.

Click on the OK button.

Now you have to tell Autocad that you’re using the keygen to register.

From the main menu, select the Help option and then the How to use the keygen tab.

Now highlight the Keygen option and you’ll be able to see the instructions for using the keygen.

You will now have to enter the path to the keygen into the Registration tab (see image above).

You will also need to enter the username and password that you will use when you register the Autocad.

You will also need to enter the activation code that you will receive by mail (see image above).

Enter the activation code, when it is displayed, into the field.

Click on the OK button.

Now you have to download the Autocad file (see image above).

There is a option in the main menu that will help you download it from Autodesk.

Now that the Autocad file has been downloaded, go to the Autocad Start menu (see image above).

Click on the Autocad folder and you’ll see the Autocad program, which you have just downloaded.

Click on the Autocad icon to start your Autocad.

When Autocad is ready, you will have to choose the registration type that you’re using (see image above).

You will have to enter your Autocad username and password that you will use when you register.

Now click on the Continue button and you’ll be asked to register your Autocad.

Now you’ll have to enter your activation code, when it is displayed, into the field.

Enter the activation code, when it is displayed, into the field.

What’s New in the?

Add new objects to your drawings. Use shortcuts, templates, and Rapid Map to add objects and route them to the right spot quickly. (video: 1:19 min.)

View and edit your past drawings with the new Quick Review feature. (video: 1:39 min.)

Create and edit your own marks and legends with the new Create Legend and Create Mark commands. (video: 1:21 min.)

Implement support for families and hierarchies. (video: 2:05 min.)

Add dimension colors, predefined axis and color classes, and marking options to your dimension styles. (video: 2:24 min.)

Integrate Tolerances, Drafts, and Tolerance Express. Add tolerances to 3D objects, create drawing drafts, and use tolerance expressions in drawing steps.

Extend 3D objects with Bounding Boxes and 3D fly-overs. (video: 2:26 min.)

Send annotations to the Remark List tool, and create a list of comments from drawing comments. (video: 1:34 min.)

Show drawing annotations in dimension styles, on the dimension line, and in the contextual menu.

Add a new shape layer to your drawing with the Layer Exploring command. (video: 2:40 min.)

Record and playback, edit, and share a video from your drawings. Record video from commands, annotate your drawing, and upload videos to the cloud or network share.

Work with objects and properties in a virtual reality (VR) environment. Use the new VR and Markup Commands to take advantage of the latest VR and augmented reality (AR) technology. (video: 2:10 min.)

Create and edit global objects in your drawings. (video: 2:37 min.)

Using the new marker tools and new View Manager dialog, manage your markers in a single dialog.

Send and receive your designs in an interactive video stream. See a drawing or model in a browser window and respond with comments in the browser window. (video: 2:41 min.)

Create custom mark, brush, and text styles, and apply them to the entire drawing or to selected objects. (video: 2:51 min.)

Create designs for use with students. Create custom Instructor Styles, and add them to your drawing step process. (video: 2:23


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Minimum Recommended:
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5-3570
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Disk: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
Internet: Broadband connection
Additional Notes: Supported keyboard input only (no controller support)
Additional Notes: Kinect must be plugged into USB port
Additional Notes: Controls may not function in “full screen” mode
Additional Notes:



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